The Baobabs of Mandu

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While watching ‘Gods Must be Crazy‘ a film set in the African Bush men region, I was intrigued to see the giant Baobab trees. A tree so fascinating that it can store upto 100,000 litres of water inside itself to survive the harsh climate.


Baobab Tree

A tree which is supposed to be native to Africa and very few exist outside Africa. So imagine my amazement when I come across the Baobab’s in the Indian country region of Mandu. Known as the city of joy, Mandu is a ruined fort city which is the third largest by size in India. So before delving into a post about the joy or the madness of Mandu, I absolutely have to cherish my memories of the Baobab’s.

The fruit of the tree has a mild sour taste and is translated to khurasani imli in hindi, also known as Mandu ki imli.

Baobab Fruit

Whether this may or may not be the KalpaVriksha as defined in Hindu mythology, there is no denying the fact that this tree is indeed a bloody fascinating species none the less.

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