The Flavors of Indonesia

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One of the great joys of travelling to a different land is to savour the local cuisine. Of course with increasing globalization one pretty much gets everything everywhere, however every foodie worth their salt knows that ain’t the real stuff. Too often the food is sanitized to suit the palates of the local populace. No offence to the chefs but that obviously spoils the fun for the folks who do know their flavors.


And so we ventured with our salivating mouths and hungry tummy’s into the wonderland of Indonesian cuisine.


Introducing the Emperor – Nasi Campur

What multitude of flavors. This is what the locals eat mostly. Everything is nearly freshly prepared and you can choose from a range of items to fill your plate. Choice of multiple different fragrant rice, lots of steamed vegetables, tofu/tempeh, chicken/fish/meats. What an interesting concept. No overeating temptation like what happens in a buffet due to the prices being dependent upon what you choose. No waiting time and ready meals.  No issue if you are veg/non-veg/vegan, there is a lot of flavors for you to dig in. What more can a hungry food lover ask for.


Nasi Campur


The Soup – Soto Ayam (Chicken Soup)

I have a weakness. A flavorful hot broth with veggies and meat tickle my taste buds like nothing else. Indonesia had plenty of great soups to satisfy the insatiable.




The Curry – Kari Ayam (Chicken Curry)

A rich coconut based curry with lots of vegetables and chicken. Absolutely Delicious.


Kari Ayam


The Kebab – Satay the meat on the skewer. Too Bad, I don’t have a photograph to share of the amazing barbeque satay’s available throughout Indonesia. Not to be missed.

We did mix up our meals with Japanese, Italian, Chinese and Mexican stuff. Most of the food was interestingly done and easily available throughout Java/Bali/Lombok. Ending the post with a delicious Teppanyaki Chicken from Jogja.


Teppinyaki Chicken


All in all, it was a great culinary journey and even on the last day of the long trip we still had a lot of food that was there to be tried. And as I said earlier, a lot of fun while travelling is due to the experience of trying out the flavors and delicacies a land has to offer. Eat like a local and your taste buds would indeed be thankful to you.


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